Are you curious to know what it’s like to work at Tactile Games, but are hesitant to ask certain questions during the interview process? As a candidate, it’s natural to have questions about the company you’re applying to, but it can be difficult to know what to ask, when to ask or even how to ask it.

We have gathered some of the most frequently asked questions that candidates are curious about, but may be hesitant to ask them when the time comes. In this article, we’ll cover questions regarding topics such as the recruitment process, salaries, company culture and mission, team dynamics, career development opportunities, and much more. Read below to find the answers!

What is the hiring process like at your company?

It usually consists of four steps, starting with an initial call with a recruiter, and then followed by an interview with the hiring manager, test assignment and a final team interview. The exact process varies depending on the position you’re interviewing for, but the main goals are finding the best technical fit for the role and also finding someone who will be a great cultural addition to the team. You can find the detailed process here.

What are the career development opportunities within your company?

All Tactilers have the opportunity to advance their careers by taking on new challenges and responsibilities, working on different projects, and learning brand new skills by taking courses. We don’t see titles as “career tracks” at Tactile. The flat structure lets people take their career into many different levels! Sometimes, if you are willing to, you can also grow as a functional Team lead and help with hiring new Tactilers, support your team with managing the workload, implementing new ideas and being the knowledge focal point for the team.

What is the salary range for this position?

The salary we offer depends on the candidate’s qualifications, experience and potential for growth. When we’re setting our salary ranges, we consider current market conditions and Tactilers’ current salary levels, because we deeply care about internal parity within our teams. You’ll have a chance to discuss your salary expectations at the first interview.

Here are some useful links for those coming from outside of Denmark with information on costs of living in Copenhagen:

Expatistan (for comparing costs of living between cities)


Income Tax Calculator

Why are you hiring for this position?

There are several reasons why specific positions are open within Tactile. We are still scaling-up as a company and currently have a lot of specialist positions open within our teams. But in general, we open new positions when a current employee is promoted to a new or different position, or due to the general expansion of our teams which is needed to support our business needs and priorities. We also open new positions to backfill the roles when our employees have decided to continue their career journeys outside of Tactile.

What are the company policies with regards to working hours and overtime?

Our working hours are standard office hours (37 hours per week), but we do offer some flexibility within that. Our core working hours are between 9.00-15.00. This means that you can start your working day anytime between 7:00-9:00 and finish between 15:00-17:00. We understand the importance of a good work-life balance, so we have a strong no overtime company policy. There’s a Danish expression “God fyraften”, which means “the work day is over, now go home and enjoy the evening not working”. We encourage all Tactilers to have a good rest after work and on weekends.

Are there any KPIs or metrics that I will be accountable for?

At Tactile, we focus on the overall job performance, feedback and goals rather than specific metrics. One of our core values is that results must be validated, which is why we are very data driven as a company. The KPIs are usually something that we look at as a team, not as an individual, and we generally don’t use KPIs in performance reviews. Instead, we use them to help guide us on the product side.

What is the feedback culture like in your company?

At Tactile, we work hard on creating an open and inclusive work environment. Being open and voicing opinions is one of our core values, so we encourage all Tactilers to constantly share ideas, feedback, constructive criticism and to ask questions. Our Talent & Culture team also regularly runs a workshop on giving and receiving feedback, to make sure that everyone at Tactile  has all the tools they need to be able to live up to that value.

How does your company foster diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace?

As a company of 300 employees from over 40 different nationalities, over 42% of which are women, we truly believe that a diverse workforce brings different perspectives and experiences, and therefore leads to more innovative and inclusive products. Our DEI efforts already start in our recruitment processes and extend into the day-to-day life at Tactile. We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination. It is important to us that all Tactilers are treated with kindness and respect.

How does your company foster employee engagement?

We offer various opportunities for employees to feel involved and invested in their work, such as regular team building activities, workshops, book clubs, opportunities for career advancement and skill development, open and transparent communication, and a supportive and inclusive work environment. Additionally, we gather feedback from all Tactilers through engagement surveys and use it to make meaningful changes in the workplace.

Do you provide relocation support if I’m not from Denmark?

Yes, we provide full relocation support to those coming from outside of Denmark. This includes visa sponsorship, support with navigating the bureaucratic processes in Denmark, flight tickets, up to 3 months of paid accommodation and a relocation budget for both the new employee and their partner, family and/or pets. We also have two Danish teachers at Tactile and offer free Danish lessons to all Tactilers who are interested in learning more about the local language and culture.

What benefits and perks do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive benefits package which includes pension, private health insurance, in-house Danish language courses, support with your learning (including books, courses, certifications and attending events) as well as fresh, healthy, organic daily breakfast and lunch prepared by our amazing kitchen crew. We also have flexible working hours and a hybrid work week format with two work from home days.

How does your company foster informal collaboration between teams?

We have several initiatives in place to promote team building and collaboration. These include our Friday bar tradition, team workshops and team buildings, our annual summer and Christmas parties, after-work activities, such as board game nights and movie clubs, and attending game conferences. We also hosted our very first game jam recently, which we hope will become a tradition.

What’s the onboarding process like at your company?

When starting your journey at Tactile, you can expect the onboarding process to be smooth and focused on making you feel comfortable and supported in your new position. We pair up all newcomers with a buddy, who is there to provide you with guidance and support in your first weeks at Tactile. Our team will make sure that you have all the resources and training you need to succeed.

What is your company culture like?

We work hard on nurturing a lean company culture, in which each individual is encouraged to grow and develop. At Tactile, we value trust and openness, and believe in empowering each other to take ownership and to speak up. We firmly believe that everyone counts and so we embrace, respect and appreciate the richness that different experiences bring. As a company, we also have a strong focus on details, which helps us to create fun, quirky and best-in-class games. We are also data-driven decision makers and use data to measure, validate and replicate our success. Technology empowers us to stay on top of our game. We believe in creating effective solutions without overcomplicating things, and we do so by following tech trends in the industry and using a modern technology stack.

Can you share if and how your company has been impacted by the current market instability?

The recent market instability has been challenging for many companies, but we’re happy to say that we’re doing well as a company. We had a smooth growth stage which helped us to build strong and well organised teams and enabled us to adjust workloads accordingly. We currently also have a number of open roles that we are actively hiring for to support our continued growth. The mobile games industry is booming and we’re confident in our ability to navigate through these challenging times.

Please note that the answers might slightly differ depending on the role that you’re applying for. We believe that being transparent and informative is the best way to help candidates understand what it’s like to work at Tactile Games and to make an informed decision. We hope this information will give you a comprehensive understanding of what to expect when before and after joining our team.

Hi there! We’re Aleksandra, Ana, Khrystyna & Vera – Tactile’s very own recruitment team. We have a bunch of things in common, including our love for 80s music, passion for knowledge sharing and the fact that none of us studied HR! Ana and Aleks’ backgrounds are in languages, Khrystyna studied international relations and Vera dove deep into the worlds of media studies, cognition and communication.

So, how can we still work successfully and hire new talents for Tactile without having an education background in this field?

Let’s look into what it actually takes to become a recruiter!

Hi from the Tactile recruitment team! 👋

And hey, don’t get us wrong! We’re not saying that you should skip studying if you want to go into HR – if this is your passion, then you should pursue it as early on as possible. We just think that there are many different backgrounds that can lead into the world of recruitment and give you the soft skills that you need to be a successful talent acquisition specialist. Having a strong passion for working with people and loving to project manage are two great starting points!

For example, working in customer support or sales is great for developing a customer-centric approach. How does this play into the world of recruitment? We are the first person that candidates meet when they come into contact with Tactile. In a way, you could say that we act as gatekeepers for the company :). So being very customer, or in our case, candidate-centric, helps us to provide the best possible candidate experience to everyone interviewing for a job with Tactile. Furthermore, our customers are also our hiring managers (typically team leads) – building a relationship of trust with them is vital for having a smooth recruitment process in place.

At Tactile, we hire globally (and currently have over 43 nationalities just within our Copenhagen studio!). This means that we are actively reaching out and interviewing people from all over the world. Have you done an international student exchange before or studied something like international business management or international relations? These experiences can give you a great understanding of the role that culture and language play in human interactions. Understanding that different people communicate differently (in written or spoken communication) can help you to overcome biases and become a better recruiter!

For Vera, who is the latest addition to our team and is still wrapping up her Master’s degree in Cognition & Communication, becoming a recruiter was a way to combine her educational background and passion for people. One way she is doing that at Tactile is by working on her first DEIB initiatives, which amongst other things include writing educational articles on topics such as inclusive communication and implicit bias (you can find these on our LinkedIn page). On a more general note, Vera says that:

“Understanding cognitive processes and how people communicate helps me to better understand the needs and motivations of both candidates and hiring teams. The effective communication skills that I acquired throughout my studies help me to tailor messages to different audiences and communicate in a way that is engaging and personable. And I learned a lot about biases, mindreading and motivated reasoning and try to incorporate that knowledge into my day-to-day when assessing candidates. I also aim to share more of that with hiring teams in order to make our candidate assessment processes even more fair and informed.”

There are many paths that can lead you into the world of recruitment or HR, besides the traditional educational route. Because these roles are so people-centric, there are a lot of skills and knowledge which you can develop in other fields and then easily transfer into the context of HR. And whilst hiring people is not always easy, giving someone an offer for a job they’re really excited and passionate about, and then seeing the impact that this person has within the organisation – this is a truly rewarding feeling and without a doubt the best part of our job! ✨

If you’re curious about getting into recruitment or staying on top of current recruitment trends, take a look at these resources:

Recruiting Daily – News, events and resources for HR professionals

Hired – Reports and events around current recruitment trends

LinkedIn Talent Blog – Weekly newsletter with tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you hire and develop talent

Gem Blog – Recruiting trends

CelentialAI Blog – Trends, hacks and tips on topics such as AI & Recruiting, Customer Experience, Tech Recruitment & DEIB

Feel free to connect and network with our recruitment team on LinkedIn 👋

Did you know that our brains have two ways of thinking? One is conscious and slow, and the other unconscious and fast. This means that we think about a lot of stuff which we’re not even aware of!

We evaluate situations, assess people and make decisions that are based not only on conscious arguments, but even more so on biases. This is where our brains go unconscious: a bias is an unconscious factor influencing how we evaluate people, things or situations. We are biased every time when we don’t base our decisions and assumptions on objective and sound evidence, and we often don’t even realize it (if you don’t get it yet, no worries, we have some real-life examples for you a bit further down)!

Being influenced by things that go beyond our conscious control is nothing we should beat ourselves up about because it’s simply how our brains work! We’re all biased and we need to acknowledge that. We should also educate ourselves and learn about the ways our brains trick us.

So what is the most actionable and effective way of mitigating bias?

Recognizing it! It’s good to know that there are different types of unconscious bias (the academic term for that is “implicit bias”). As we’re celebrating Women’s History Month, we want to highlight the biases that particularly affect women. Within that, we’ll be focusing on the individual and on what happens inside each of our brains that leads to unfair assessments of women, their work and their achievements.

Gender bias

This bias happens when people have outdated ideas about what women are capable of or interested in. Consider this situation: A man and a woman are considered for a lead role that requires direct communication and fearless decision-making. Who’ll get the job?

Motherhood penalty

This bias occurs when people assume that women won’t be as committed to their jobs once they become mothers. This can lead to women being paid less, overlooked for promotions, and not given the support they need to succeed in the workplace.

Appearance bias

This happens when the way women look affects how they are perceived. Beauty, weight and height can influence how we evaluate women and can lead to us making a decision that is completely unfounded. Take, for example, an athletic, tall man – people tend to evaluate him as more disciplined and thus generally more capable.

Affinity bias

This occurs when people tend to prefer working with others who are like them, which can make it harder for women, who don’t fit the traditional mold, to get ahead. Example: a group of male game developers excluding a female team member from social gatherings because she wouldn’t be interested in their discussions anyway, right?

Confirmation bias

This happens when people only listen to information that confirms what they already believe, which can make it hard for women to be heard in decision-making situations. Imagine a situation where a male game designer dismisses a female colleague’s ideas for a game, because he assumes that women are not interested in those types of games. Someone who thinks this way might have been tricked by their confirmation bias!

Social desirability bias

This bias occurs when people say what they think others want to hear, instead of being honest. This can impact women’s ability to be authentic and effective leaders. For example, a person might not feel comfortable to speak up when their colleagues reinforce stereotypes about female characters in a game. They might not want to speak up as they don’t want to rock the boat and be seen as difficult.

Status quo bias

This happens when people resist change and prefer things to stay the same. This can make it hard for women to challenge the way that things have always been done and introduce new ideas. When a game development studio resists incorporating more diverse perspectives and backgrounds into their game development teams, because they believe it would be too difficult or risky, status quo bias is stopping them from doing amazing things.

Now you know what are the different situations which might bring your unconscious bias out of its cage.

And let’s not stop here: Think about which of these biases might apply to you? Write them on post-its and stick them somewhere you can’t miss, like your desk or monitor. Setting up visual reminders about our brains tricking us is us tricking our brains back 😉

Have you noticed that any of your colleagues might be affected by these or other biases? Help them out! We have way more influence on our thinking habits than we might think.