Time for talent with Anders Breum

Anders is s a Tactile veteran, a multitalented artist & designer, and an integral part of our story for the past 14 years. We asked him to share more about his role at Tactile, how it has changed over the years and what’s a piece of advice he’d give to aspiring designers looking to break into the industry 🙌

Tactile: Hi Anders, could you tell us a bit more about what you do at Tactile?

Anders: I work at Tactile as a UI designer. I work with maintaining the general UI and gameboard in our game Lily’s Garden. I also develop and produce new features and board pieces for the game.

Tactile: You have been at Tactile for almost 14 years! How has your role changed over time and what has kept you here for so long? 🙂

Anders: Oh boy! Has it been that long?! The company was quite small when I started – so I worked as a multipurpose artist. Doing a bit of everything concerning visuals. As the company grew I was able to specialise in the UI area. It has been really special for me to be a part of Tactile growing from the basement backroom of an art gallery to a 5 story building full of people! It is something that makes me very proud to be part of.

Tactile: What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Anders: As a designer, I am privileged to be part of many of the different processes in the development of the game. So seeing a feature move from idea to completely functional game is really rewarding. Also it sounds corny but teamwork makes the dream work! When everybody comes together from all the different disciplines to make something great and engaging. Nothing quite like it. You see your own contribution in the bigger picture.

Tactile: What do you think are the most important qualities that every UI designer should have?

Anders: Be able to take criticism. Don’t take it personal but use it to better yourself. Be curious about advances in your field of work. For me having a background in animation has been a huge plus. With animation you can make everything come alive and help facilitate the emotions you want the player to feel.

Tactile: When you’re not at work, you are …

Anders: I plunge head first into the role of being a dad to 3 great kids. That comes with multitude of benefits like drawing ALOT, playing video games and so on. Also I have personal projects I work on.

Time for talent with Preben Rosell

We’d like to introduce our Lily’s Garden Producer, Preben Rosell. Preben is one of the veterans here at Tactile, as he started almost 8 years ago as a producer on Bee Brilliant. Since then, he has been responsible for coordinating the production pipeline for Lily’s Garden. Preben’s colleagues would describe him as responsible, attentive and extremely supportive.

Preben, Producer, Lily’s Garden

Tactile: Hi Preben, could you tell us a bit more about what you do at Tactile?

Preben: The producer role is quite diverse with many different (and at times changing) tasks, but first and foremost I help coordinating what the team should focus on and how they should structure their work. Furthermore, I am responsible for getting our weekly releases ready and tackling issues that may occur in our live game or in our production pipeline.

Tactile: How did your journey as a Producer start?

Preben: I have a background in game and level design, but by chance I was pulled into a hybrid role almost 10 years ago, in which I had the opportunity to work with project management. Although I had never planned for this, I realised that I really loved the work and when I a few years later got the opportunity to switch to a producer role, I went for it. Now I cannot imagine doing anything else 🙂

Tactile: For people who would like to start their career, what do you think are the most important qualities that every Producer should have?


  • A drive to improve processes – There is always some aspect there that can be improved, regardless of how well it worked last quarter.
  • Be flexible – A producer’s role is ever changing with new tasks and responsibilities that comes with whatever the needs of the current project are.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills – As a producer you will communicate with a wide range of people from a range of different disciplines.
  • Solution-oriented – Look for solutions rather than problems!

Tactile: When you’re not at work, you are …

Preben: Besides spending as much time as possible with my kids, I love gardening, cycling and playing games.

Tactile’s success is grounded in our growing community, which fosters your skills no matter what your discipline is, and one that gives you a place to be creative and impactful alongside talented colleagues. In the past 4 years, Tactile has been growing both by developing new projects and reimagining old ones. We wanted to share an overview of our recruitment process and what we’re looking for in future Tactilers.

We are proud of being a lean organisation. This means that we have little hierarchy and work hard on nurturing an open and collaborative work environment in which each individual is encouraged to grow and develop. We do so by living and breathing our core values which emphasize trust, responsibility and mutual respect. When hiring new Tactilers, we want to make sure that we find the people who not only share these values, but who will also help to spread and cultivate them.

So, if you’re interested in a career at Tactile, we want to provide you with all the information you might need to be set up for success. In this blog post, we’ll cover the steps in our typical recruitment process, explain how we interview for attitude, and also share some tips to help you nail your interviews.

Check out our job openings via our Careers Page.

General recruitment process at Tactile – you will either have a hiring manager interview or a team interview within your candidate journey


Our Talent & Culture team has developed a standardized recruitment process across all studios, to ensure that everyone is considered and assessed in the same way.

This is what our standard recruitment process looks like. We sometimes tweak it for certain roles, but in general, this is what you can expect when you apply for a job at Tactile:

Meet your recruiter

Whether you have applied via our Careers page, or were approached by someone from Tactile, your candidate journey starts with an introductory chat. If we’re interested in learning more about your background and experience, one of our recruiters will reach out to you to set up a 30 minute informal video call.

What is covered in this step? Your experience relating to this role. We will also give you a general overview of Tactile, the role and the team you might potentially be joining. This stage primarily aims to ensure that there is good chemistry between us and that our expectations towards the role are aligned.

We have prepared a list of tips to help you prepare for the initial call with a recruiter.

Meet your future Team Lead

The initial call is usually (but not for all roles) followed up with an interview with your potential future team lead. This is usually a 30 to 60 minute video call.

What is covered in this step? – The aim of this conversation is for the team lead to share a little bit more technical information about the position and to dive further into your experience relating to this role. You can expect them to ask some attitudinal questions (we’ll talk more about what these are in a bit) and to answer any more technical questions which you might have around the role or the team.

Showcase your talent in a skills test

The next step in the process is assessing your skills, which are relevant to the job.

What is covered in this step? – Our test assignments differ from role to role, but they’re mainly take-home tests, which you can work on for a limited or unlimited amount of time, depending on the role you’re interviewing for. This is one of the most important steps in the process, because it gives you the opportunity to show off your skills in action but also to see what type of tasks might await if you were to accept the job.

We have prepared a list of tips to help you impress with your technical test.

Present and discuss your test results

If you do well on the skills assignment, you will be invited to meet with the team and have a technical discussion. We will send you a more detailed agenda before the interview, so that you can prepare. If you’re based in (or near) Copenhagen, we can have this interview on-site at our office on Vestergade 33.

What is covered in this step? – In the first part of the interview, you will discuss your test solutions and why you made certain decisions in it. In the second part, you will discuss the more technical aspects of the role and the projects or products that you’ll be working on as a part of this team.

We have prepared a list of tips to help you nail your technical interviews.

Meet your future team

If you pass the technical discussion and didn’t have the Hiring Manager interview prior to that, we will invite you to meet with your potential future team. This will be the final step in your recruitment journey with Tactile.

What is covered in this step? – You can expect the interviewing team to assess whether your values, ambitions and ways of working align with how their team works at Tactile. And vice versa – this is an opportunity for you to see if there’s good chemistry between you and whether you see yourself working as a part of this team.

We have prepared a list of tips to help you prepare for the final team interview.


At Tactile, we don’t only interview for skill, but also for attitude. What does this mean?

We follow an approach called structured interviewing. This means that when we interview for a position, we ask the same set of predetermined questions to every candidate. We use this approach because it helps us minimize biases and it also ensures that every candidate gets assessed in the same way.

During an interview at Tactile, you will be asked technical questions relating to your skills and knowledge, which are required for the role. Besides this, you can also expect to be asked some attitudinal questions. These questions help us to determine whether you are also a fit with our culture and values.

We use these questions to ask about your past behaviours and attitudes in very specific situations (i.e. when you had to fix a bug in production). Besides technical situations, be prepared to answer questions about how you worked as a part of a team (i.e. how you gave feedback to a colleague).

These questions typically start with one of the following openers:

  • “Could you tell about a time when …”
  • “Could you describe a situation where …”
  • “Could you give an example of …”

We believe that asking about past behaviours is more valuable than asking about hypothetical situations and a much better indicator of how someone is likely to behave again in the future.

We of course understand that coming up with examples from your past is not always easy and takes some thinking power. Our interviewers are trained to help you with answering these questions – to give you space to think about your answers and to support you with some follow-up questions, in case you get stuck. The overall aim is to get to know you better!


Take a look at our Careers page to see our current job openings. This is also the fastest way to submit your application and get in touch with our recruitment team.

You can find lots of relevant material, articles, employee spotlights and other content to help you prepare for your recruitment journey on our LinkedIn page.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!