Enhancing the overall gaming experience for players as a QA Games Tester

Time for talent with Kamya Krishnan

Namaste 👋 I’m Kamya, pleasure to meet you! I joined Tactile’s QA team 9 months ago. Beyond playing the developed game, my role involves identifying and reporting any potential problems that could impact the game’s quality and functionality 🔦

Meet Kamya, QA Games Tester on Lily’s Garden

Let me share a little bit more about what my team does at Tactile and how I ended up in QA (+ tips for successful QAs at the end!):

🚀 Before Tactile

I started my journey as a Test Engineer in a software services company back home in India. I learned a whole bunch about the software testing process, as well as how to create and execute test cases. After that, I moved into a Test Analyst role, where I focused more on test planning, analysis, and design.

💜 Joining Tactile

Taking a short break during my maternity period, I relocated to Copenhagen with my family. When I returned to work, I transitioned to a QA Engineering role at a Fintech company. This is where I first got familiar with mobile testing and working in an agile environment … which eventually lead me to my current position at Tactile 🙌

As a QA Tester at Tactile, my focus is on ensuring that the weekly releases of our hit game Lily’s Garden go seamlessly, without major crashes or performance glitches. The fact that my contributions directly enhance the overall gaming experience for players is the most fulfilling aspect of my role!

Lily glitching during testing the story part of the game

🏗️ What our team does

Within Lily’s Garden, we work in smaller scrum teams. My role as a QA is to plan, design and execute tests relating to the developments of new game features, such as our most recent Gatcha event and Piranha Rush. I am also responsible for the testing tasks related to in-game ads, which is a significant revenue source for the company! 💰

A huge part of the QA role here is having effective communication with the design and development teams from as early on in the process as possible. This helps to ensure that we help the team avoid having big problems later on!

Funny glitch during testing the story part of the game

💪 Sense of responsibility

The best thing about our team is that it is made out of exceptionally talented individuals from super diverse backgrounds. Our office culture is marked by trust, flat hierarchies and open communication. This has created a great environment for addressing critical issues. I’m genuinely impressed by the strong sense of responsibility shown by my team members, and I really appreciate that everyone is always ready to extend a helping hand during challenging moments.

📚 The keys to success

I believe that QA game testers should embody several key qualities, but the most important ones are:

👉 Robust analytical skills
👉 Effective communication and strong team collaboration
👉 Patience and an eye for detail to navigate through repetitive tasks
👉 A curious mindset for exploring various scenarios
👉 A good understanding of end-users, which helps to understand how players might engage with the game
👉 And lastly, in a QA role you’re often faced with tight deadlines, so it is key to manage time efficiently and prioritize tasks well ⏲️

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