Developing dashboards that help our teams better manage live game operations

Time for Talent with Somalee Gupta

Today we’re inviting into the spotlight one of our awesome & inspiring female engineers – Somalee Gupta! Somalee is working as a Frontend Engineer within our Core team. She joined our Tactile community in March this year, but she’s already making a big impact!

Meet Somalee, one of our Core team’s Frontend Engineers

Tactile: Hi Somalee, could you tell us a bit more about what you do at Tactile?

Somalee: Besides all the fun, I work as a software developer for multiple dashboards that we have to manage our games better. We proudly call ourselves the CORE Team as a lot that we decide to put in our games comes after a thorough analysis and testing through these dashboards. Our mission is to make it easy (and fast) for our game producers and designers to understand how users react to different levels and features that are being put in the games.

Tactile: What was your journey to becoming a Software Engineer?

Somalee: It actually quite interesting as I did not study to be one in my bachelors. I had a bit of coding with C++ back in school where I figured I am good at this stuff but I originally studied to be an instrumentation engineer and worked at a Petroleum refinery for about 4 years only to realise its not my cup of tea. So I indulged into some coding, figured how fun JavaScript was and decided to do it professionally. And so to say, I love every bit of it.

Tactile: What do you like the most about the team you’re working with?

Somalee: I would say its how diverse we have managed to be. Its really quite an open culture of trust and reliability we have established. I take pride in saying how well the team reflects the core values of the company which made me join Tactile in the first place.

Tactile: What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Somalee: I would say every now and then we come across technical issues which are challenging to resolve. But we don’t give up and on the way learn so many wonderful things. Its intriguing that I have been doing this for quite some time and still manage to learn new things everyday.

Tactile: For people who would like to start their career, what do you think are the most important qualities that every Programmer should have?

Somalee: I think problem solving and analytical skill are the most important ones. Also, communication, as any programmer has to talk to a lot of people to gather the requirements and work towards a solution.

Tactile: When you’re not at work, you are …

Somalee: I prefer to stay outdoors, workout, maybe go for a run. Copenhagen is full of beautiful parks and lakes which I am currently exploring. I also paint. With all the rains that we are getting these days, a cup of hot coffee and brushes in my hand makes a perfect day.

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